Friday, January 1, 2010

Soap Rash How Do I Get Rid Of The Rash I Have Under My Arms From Using The Wrong Soap/deoderant For Years?

How do i get rid of the rash i have under my arms from using the wrong soap/deoderant for years? - soap rash

S right, I red rash on the arm in both arms of soap and deodorant, I for years .. How can I get rid of it!??


TEMPTRES... said...

Going to the doctor! be given a cream to be 7 to 10 days will get rid of him. I am allergic to 2 types of deodorants and I had to learn the hard way, lol but the doc can stop you with a cream, then, the things your allergic too! Good luck

chunkydu... said...

Well first is the use of deodorant soap /.
Then you can try a type of powder for the body to absorb, to help the discomfort.

Jamiexx said...

You have sensitive skin. see dermatoligist. My skin is very sensitive, very bad in the legs, and he will give this issue lotion that works like a charm.

When you speak, like a scar .. then he should disappear, do not scratch) a new layer of skin every .. 7 years (I know. Thats a long wait)

and its very important to get the sun. Radiation to cure the rash / cuts at all.

Jamiexx said...

You have sensitive skin. see dermatoligist. My skin is very sensitive, very bad in the legs, and he will give this issue lotion that works like a charm.

When you speak, like a scar .. then he should disappear, do not scratch) a new layer of skin every .. 7 years (I know. Thats a long wait)

and its very important to get the sun. Radiation to cure the rash / cuts at all.

P.K said...

Use a medical powder regularly.

PHANTOM said...

Using natural deodorant confidence in me.
Ice appears, but not as transparent stone that looks like ice.

Sometimes when you do not buy with a smooth surface to come, you have to buy something for MAK smooth surface.

fakeid41... said...

Try to use alcohol to clean the shoulder, one or 2 times per day. If you do not like the smell and worry that can be burned and then mixed with a small amount of water on a cotton before cleaning the area. And in this way can also be stopped, the bad smell from the armpits. It is a very good job, my friend had the same problem, but now he has. Trust me, you do not, the soap is the wrong deodorant. You should switch to another, nobody marks you. Try Dove, which are very good.

fakeid41... said...

Try to use alcohol to clean the shoulder, one or 2 times per day. If you do not like the smell and worry that can be burned and then mixed with a small amount of water on a cotton before cleaning the area. And in this way can also be stopped, the bad smell from the armpits. It is a very good job, my friend had the same problem, but now he has. Trust me, you do not, the soap is the wrong deodorant. You should switch to another, nobody marks you. Try Dove, which are very good.

Previous... said...

Could be larger than a rash.
Could a fungus
Go to the dermatologist and have prescribed a cream.
Get rid of those.

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