Saturday, January 30, 2010

Athletes Foot And Tinactin I Cant Get Rid Of My Athletes Foot. How Do I Do It? Ive Tried Tinactin.?

I cant get rid of my athletes foot. How do I do it? Ive tried tinactin.? - athletes foot and tinactin


The answer

Herbal Help:
1. Garlic washing in warm soapy water, rinse, and dry massage, garlic in oil 2-3 times per day. After the condition is cured, apply once a week to prevent a recurrence.

2. Onion: rubbed at the foot of the athlete, the onion juice between the fingers of two or three times per day, clears up the situation.

3. BF & C: As of questions and answers with Dr. Christopher in his newsletter: What makes you dying for athlete's foot?
Staying in a diet Mucusless. To help this situation, first between the toes and do not wear nylon or synthetic socks dry. A small piece of dry cotton, put a few drops of lemon juice or cider vinegar between the toes for ventilation. Do not use rubber-soled shoes, tennis shoes, etc. for daily use. Sneakers for the gym, no wear normal street. Barefoot function as much as possible (not washing at the social level, please) and your feet once or several times a day with hot distilled water and half vinegar, apple juice and a half. Dry the Feand well before the socks and shoes. If the condition is severe, the use of bone, cartilage, meat and milk [BF & C] ... Soak a pair of white cotton or wool socks in my bones, flesh and cartilage [BF & C] tea, stood beside the bed every night (six days a week, every week), put a plastic bag and socks overnight. Continue every night until it heals.

4. Black Walnut Tincture: This is one of the best known cure for fungus. Use the outside and are often used.

The best of health for you



mlgable said...

How long is used Tinactin? It takes several weeks to get rid of the fungus completely. If you needed for several weeks and it did no good, then it's time to see a doctor for a stronger medication and a correct diagnosis.

agedlion... said...

try a cup of Pau-d-arc tea every day for a
Month or 6 weeks. Taste weird at first, but after
On some days, get used to it and if the fungus
You can decide its exquisite taste.

Joseph G said...

Buy new shoes and socks

rebecca_... said...

This is used in prisons, in which all must use the same shower ..... Iodine or chlorine! I found the iodine works best for me because the smell of bleach makes me sick! I am in prison, I only work in one! Remember, once you rid himself of his feet, your carpets, floors, bathrooms and shoes, so you do not come back!

Ridgely said...

The next time your urine in the shower at his feet. It seems nuts, but it works!

Seikilos said...

Try Lotrimin, fast enough. If this fails, you need to a foot specialist.

hopetohe... said...

Athlete's foot takes time to get rid of it. You need to use something like Tinactin, but when you take your shower, shower where others you have to flip-flops in the shower, because she could get a shower wear. If only one shower in the shower, clean every day with something like a comet.

Ryan's mom said...

Are you a diabetic or heavy drinkers? My husband thought I had athlete's foot and he was wrong and went to the doctor and discovered he had diabetes Nuropothy.

jack jack said...

Trust me to consult a foot doctor ... I tried everything, until the doc gave me was perscibtion in a week ...

problema... said...

Foot tea tree oil is coming from New York to great chemist, had my son, a part of this and two days he had stopped receiving itching and odor,

Heather said...

Use an antifungal cream .... What is athlete's foot or a yeast infection cream like Vagisil. Nothing to be cautious miconozole him.

Dujo said...

Lamisil is a better product, but it still has at least a week or more, regardless of use, what you do.

K C said...

The best thing I found antifungal Lotrimin

trccarso... said...

Nothing worked for me until I removed my shoes and my new. Try this. He seems not to wash or spray to kill any fungi. I also bleached my socks. I know not to pee on the legs is the answer, but I heard that ammonia is what in the urine that kills fungi. They always try what I said before they urinate on themselves.

Cattlema... said...

Use twice a day and never without it on your feet for a month. It is the only way. It takes so long. Athlete's foot fungus is very difficult to kill.

ITMAN said...

Although I personally athlete's foot several times and I've found, or if I am the feet of the Uruguay Round, the UV rays as possible, direct sunlight, for instance, see, sandals with a time or to bark and when not all the time regular washing socks and put the powder in the shoes of the Uruguay Round and are made fully cleaned.

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