Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Do You Get Mud Off Suede Boots How Would I Clean Mud Off Of Suede Boots?

How would I clean mud off of suede boots? - how do you get mud off suede boots

I had a little accident with a field of mud and significant problems for my fave boots! How can I clean it? "Thank you guys very much.


StillNoC... said...

Let it dry completely. Brush (no crust) with a stiff brush, like a brush.

After removing everything, there is still discolored.

Go to the gently with a damp paper towel ... the discoloration is basically the country is still in the pores of the skin. The damp paper towel, gather some of them.

Let it dry completely and repeat it again. The idea is that the leather too wet. Which only opens the pores and dirt is filtered

Conclusion: We can never look the same but let the brush dry and less visible.

blueyes said...

I do not know why someone who is looking to promote awareness about ruining your shoes, but not use steam on them. Not only the sound of water even more, is the combination of steam and heat most likely cause is that the leather is dry to reduce, if the startup is also deformed.

When dry, use a brush for the floor to remove loose particles, without the texture of the skin forcing them deeper into the pores. There are cleaners available, suede boot business and if they add to your favorites, it's worth the investment, because once you are in doubt clean in time.

In the past I had people tell me, lighter fluid, etc. (all the resources that you used a certain kind of product-based oil, the best bleach skin). This is a time that you want to buy a product for this purpose and follow the instructions explicitly. You need to like new.

tanyap19 said...


Princess Katie said...

In the boiler steamed HOLD when its cooking, it really works

dixjo200... said...

let dry and then carefully with a brush, if it ever not so steam cleaned and outdoors or in the bathtub

ChickN... said...

Ok so here goes ....

let it dry completely ..... Then take a stiff brush and brush away .....

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